GameAP Daemon

GameAP Daemon — backgrouond application that allows panel to manage game servers (install, delete, run, stop etc.).

This is the main application, what control game servers statuses and reload them in case of failure or by user request


Automatically from panel

Go to Administration -> Dedicated servers -> Create That action open suggestion about autoinstall. Copy the code and run on dedicated server.


Gameap-daemon config is here:

OS Path
Linux /etc/gameap-daemon/gameap-daemon.yaml
Windows C:\gameap\daemon\daemon.yaml

Base examples

Parameter Required Type Info
ds_id yes integer Dedicated server ID
listen_port no (default: 31717) integer Listening port
api_host yes string API host
api_key yes string API key


Parameter Required Type Info
ca_certificate_file yes string CA certificate
certificate_chain_file yes string Server certificate
private_key_file yes string Server private key
private_key_password no string Server private key password
dh_file yes string DH certificate

Certificate creation

Authentication by login and password

Parameter Required Type Info
password_authentication no boolean Enable login & password auth?
daemon_login no string Login (in Linux it will use PAM if user is not exist)
daemon_password no string Password. (in Linux it will use PAM if user is not exist)


Parameter Required Type Info
if_list no string Interfaces list
drives_list no string Drives list
stats_update_period no integer Statistics update period
stats_db_update_period no integer Statistics update period in db

Config example

Non anonymous steam account usage

Many steam game servers require log in to account that has a purchased copy of game, in that case you need to add steam login and password in to config file.

You need to transform config from .cfg to .yaml manually (ofcourse with yaml syntax requirements)

OS Before After
Linux gameap-daemon.cfg gameap-daemon.yaml
Windows daemon.cfg daemon.yaml

yaml config example

After that you can add steam account configuration rows:

    login: "your login"
    password: "Pa$$worD"