Install on shared hosting

! Documentation in the process of writing. This section requires more material.

! It is not recommended to use the Shared method. Some panel functionality will be limited

Installing GameAP on a shared hosting with no access to the command line.

  • Minimum PHP version: 7.3
  • Recommended PHP version: >= 7.3

Downloading panel archive

Download the following archive:

Unpack archive into your directory on hosting.

Import data into database

Import the gameap.sql SQL file into the database. This can be done through PHPMyAdmin, most hosting provide it.

GameAP Setting Up

  • Copy .env.example under the new name .env.
  • Open the file .env, set APP_KEY value. You can use next random generated value:

Generate new key

  • Set database paramenters (host, database name, login, password).

Setting up a web server on a hosting

You must specify in the settings so that the root directory of the site follow to the public directory public. For example, if the hosting files for the panel are located in /home/your_site, then you must specify /home/your_site/public in the root directory of the site.

Все запросы должны обрабатываться фронт контроллером index.php, запросы к несуществующим каталогам тоже (например к, и т.д.). Фронт контроллер не должен обрабатывать запросы загрузки файлов css, js.

All requests should be processed by the front controller index.php, requests to non-existing directories too (for example, to,, etc.). The front controller should not process requests to download files css, js.

If you specify the directory above public (/www/your_site), then the panel will work, but this is not recommended.

It is not recommended that the root directory of the site follow to the root directory with the panel (where the files are .env, composer.json, directories app, vendor). The site root directory should follow to public for various reasons:

  • Security. If the web server is configured incorrectly, it may happen that someone reads important files, such as the .env file, which contains the login and password for accessing the database.
  • High speed.

Many hostings do not allow this to be configured in their control panel. You need to contact technical support for manual configuration.

For an example of web server configuration, see Installation/Web Server Setup

Login Details

After setting up the panel, importing data and setting up a web server, your panel is ready for work. Go to the main page of your site, you should see a login form.

This admin to log in:

Login: admin Password: fpwPOuZD

! Do not forget to change your password after logging in.